Skip Bayless:The Paradox Of Resonance

Skip Bayless:The Paradox Of Resonance

I am probably wrong, but the truth of the matter is:We all love to hear our own voice. From the self acclaimed preacher who mounts the podium on Sunday's, to deliver his message of "salvation" to his congregation, to the smooth talking politician who laces his carefully worded lines with Shakesperean, and philosophycal interjections to meander his way into the unsuspecting hearts of his audience. Having delivered the "killer punch," we now sit back to admire the cataphoric consequences. Our expectation is that it should have the devastating effect of the aftermath of an earthquake, or a tornado.

Words are certainly very powerful. We can not underestimate the effect it might have on our audience. This is especially true for those of us in the electronic media, whose voices resonate in millions of homes daily across the country. Indeed, it is a very delicate line. We must be careful not to sound judgemental,while sifting through 'bags' of information before us, trying to determine which one to feed our audience first. The questions are inevitable:Is this piece of information juicy enough to captivate my audience? How do I deliver it? Should I be seen to be sitting on the fence, or taking sides? Should this aspect of the story constitute the climax, or anti-climax?

If you are reading this, you are probably wandering what this is all about? Skip knows. He does not have to wander. I am ranting about your constant tongue lashing of James Lebron for daring to jump ship from Cleveland, to Miami! I can understand how you and most people in Cleveland feel because Mr Lebron dared to dream, but there is nothing essentially new or wrong with what he did. The dream of every NBA player is to be a world champion some day, and that is the truth. Never mind that Mr Nowitzki stuck with the Dallas Mavrick for years, until his dream came through. James hung out in Cleveland for years. I am quite certain he wouldn't have hung around Cleveland for that long if he didn't believe he could make it happen. Unfortunately, he could't realise his dream there.

In Skip's opinion, Jame Lebron should have been less dramatic in the way he announced his departure. I do not agree with that opinion. I believe, James would have been faulted no matter how he announced his departure! If he had chosen to do it on a local radio in Cleveland, instead of ESPN, whom Mr Skip Bayless happens to work for, that wouldn't have stopped toungues from wagging. For all they care, Mr Lebron owes his life and carrier to Cleveland Cavalliers. Having a successful NBA carrier should be secondary to the emotions of his fans, and the people of Cleveland! I hear you loud and clear Mr Bayless!

Last line:Let me borrow a line from Bob Marley, the legendary Raggae artist:"Every man has got a right to decide his own destiny,and in this judgement their is no partiality...."

(ArticlesBase SC #5005497)

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